Download thunkable,makeroid,appybuilder all type of high quality aia file earning app aia thunkable aia,makeroid aia,appybuilder aia



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Sunday, 12 August 2018

Fast cash Earning app
Fast cash Earning application

Hi guys,
             This time I give you a hd quality earning application aia file. This application made with thunkable also open on makeroid appybuilder. This application is completely designed. You have to change only adunit.
                     DOWNLOAD AIA

How to open:
                        STEP 1: Go to (thunkable) and sign in to account.
STEP 2: Click on the (Apps tab) on the top left of your screen.
STEP 3: Click (upload app project .aia) from my computer.
STEP 4: Select the project that you previously download.
STEP 5: Remove all the admob ID,
SREP 6: sign in into admob and creat ads copy all the ads ane by one and past in your porject
STEP 7: Reomve Fire base ID and sign in to firebse account and put your ids,
STEP 8: build you app and than upload to ( google Drive or playstore)

1 comment:

Ant Smasher game aia file for thunkable

Ant Smasher game aia file for thunkable Hi guys,               This time I give you a game aia file.                This aia is a g...

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